Unfurling the Unconscious

Unfurling the Unconscious Unfurling the Unconscious was a delightful adventure of the senses that Kay Scorah and I ran at another Lab Experiment afternoon. The group created stories provoked by being exposed to different stimuli including touch, taste, sound, smell and imagery.  All but the Picture - sight group were blindfolded. [...]

By |2021-12-02T16:50:50+00:00September 21st, 2016|Entrepreneurs, Storytelling, The Lab|0 Comments

Boring Case Study or Engaging Case Story?

Boring Case Study or Engaging Case Story? I go to a wonderful thing organised by Steve Chapman www.canscorpionssmoke.co.uk called the Lab, which let’s entrepreneurs experiment with new ideas for exercises. In March I ran a storytelling exercise called Points of View where, in groups of 4, one person told a true story about a [...]

By |2021-12-02T16:51:05+00:00August 3rd, 2016|Entrepreneurs, Storytelling|0 Comments
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