We’ve advised many clients on marketing, branding and advertising issues. Here are a few examples:
Orange: Maternity leave cover, for six months.
Marketing and Branding Masterclass : For CBEE (Creative Business for Entrepreneurs and Executives) at the National Film and Television School Lizzie has run a 3 day Branding and Marketing Masterclass for the last 4 years.
Bespoke training and Change Management workshops
We design and deliver solutions to exactly meet specific client needs.
British Gas is a good example. We designed and ran the following two programmes:
1. The Innovative Consumer Marketing Programme
The Marketing Director at British Gas had a large and diverse team of 200 people ranging across marketing, CRM and call centre staff. There was little communication between them, and teams worked in silos. Marketing was seen as a ‘supplier’ rather than a trusted partner.
The brief was to take the whole marketing community through the same programme: to understand the vision for marketing, get to know each other and to be clear on what each other did, so that they could deliver powerful, joined-up marketing messages.
This 2-day workshop was run over a period of 2 months with 2 workshops being held per week.
2. Briefing Gladiators: how to get a bigger bang from your brief
Our brief was: ‘we start off with a pattern for a stylish size 10 dress, but by the time it’s delivered it has turned into a large and slightly unattractive tent. Please help!’
How could we refuse? Our objectives were to get our client to:
- A new understanding of the importance of skillfully championing a brief, to achieve better marketing results.
- A shared picture of the life cycle of a brief, key stakeholders you need to reach along the path, and common pitfalls.
- New skills for effective persuasion and problem-solving, which may include:
- Effectively demonstrating understanding of stakeholder needs, and re-framing briefing goals for buy-in
- Providing evidence in a way that gets emotional buy-in
- Leading creative problem-solving when faced with constraints and obstacles, so that new solutions are co-created, rather than just being accepted and ‘gone along’ with
- Getting the group to practice with new skills, on a realistic brief in a way that encourages appropriate risk and builds confidence
We ran a 1-day workshop and successfully delivered all of the above. Phew.
Pitch Doctor
We have a 75% success rate at working with agencies on new business pitches. We come in to advise at key points in the pitch process – from initial chemistry meeting to final pitch rehearsal.