Branding & Marketing

… Bringing a fresh pair of eyes and new techniques, to help get the best from your company’s marketing; either as a short and sharp boost or as longer term support.

Lizzie offers very targeted training and facilitation in branding and marketing and has extensive experience across many business areas. Please click on a specific section showing examples below:

Please get in touch for more information.


We’ve advised many clients on marketing, branding and advertising issues. Here are a few examples:

IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau): Working part-time in-house for 18 months.

Channel 4: A specific project, helping the channel as it changed its identity both on and off-air.

Orange: Maternity leave cover, for six months.

Marketing Strategy: For Just Eat and V the team helped the brands understand what they stand for and how that would play out across all their marketing activity.

Marketing and Branding Masterclass : For CBEE (Creative Business for Entrepreneurs and Executives) at the National Film and Television School Lizzie has run a 3 day Branding and Marketing Masterclass for the last 4 years.

Bespoke training and Change Management workshops

We design and deliver solutions to exactly meet specific client needs.
British Gas is a good example. We designed and ran the following two programmes:

1. The Innovative Consumer Marketing Programme

The Marketing Director at British Gas had a large and diverse team of 200 people ranging across marketing, CRM and call centre staff. There was little communication between them, and teams worked in silos. Marketing was seen as a ‘supplier’ rather than a trusted partner.

The brief was to take the whole marketing community through the same programme: to understand the vision for marketing, get to know each other and to be clear on what each other did, so that they could deliver powerful, joined-up marketing messages.

This 2-day workshop was run over a period of 2 months with 2 workshops being held per week.

2. Briefing Gladiators: how to get a bigger bang from your brief

Our brief was: ‘we start off with a pattern for a stylish size 10 dress, but by the time it’s delivered it has turned into a large and slightly unattractive tent. Please help!’

How could we refuse? Our objectives were to get our client to:

  1. A new understanding of the importance of skillfully championing a brief, to achieve better marketing results.
  2. A shared picture of the life cycle of a brief, key stakeholders you need to reach along the path, and common pitfalls.
  3. New skills for effective persuasion and problem-solving, which may include:
    • Effectively demonstrating understanding of stakeholder needs, and re-framing briefing goals for buy-in
    • Providing evidence in a way that gets emotional buy-in
    • Leading creative problem-solving when faced with constraints and obstacles, so that new solutions are co-created, rather than just being accepted and ‘gone along’ with
  4. Getting the group to practice with new skills, on a realistic brief in a way that encourages appropriate risk and builds confidence

We ran a 1-day workshop and successfully delivered all of the above. Phew.

Pitch Doctor

We have a 75% success rate at working with agencies on new business pitches. We come in to advise at key points in the pitch process – from initial chemistry meeting to final pitch rehearsal.