The MS Society – brand values
The MS Society wanted to get to a new set of brand values.
To help uncover and get consensus on what those brand values could and should be, Lizzie ran a series of interactive workshops with the Exec team and Trustees, with volunteers and staff around the country, and at head office.
We looked at where the organisation is now and where they aspired to be. We looked at the commonalities and proposed four new values that were memorable, distinctive and right for the MS Society. These are:
Bold, Expert, Ambitious and Together.
Genoa Black – entrepreneurial marketing consultancy
Genoa Black are an entrepreneurial, thriving marketing consultancy in Scotland. We ran a session with all of their staff to help them to get to their vision and values.
Beforehand, we interviewed all staff members to uncover any issues that needed resolving, then we ran a number of creative exercises to get the team to a vision and values everyone could get behind and champion.